The official website for the live-action film of Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist manga began streaming a teaser video for the film on Wednesday. The video teases iconic scenes from the story, and shows Ryōsuke Yamada in costume as the alchemist Edward Elric, as well as his little brother Al in full CG.
Text: The time has come.
Text: Original work: Hiromu Arakawa
Text: Director: Fumihiko Sori (Ping Pong)
Text: Two brothers' great journey.
Text: The legend...
Text: Finally begins.
Title Logo: Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward: I promise I'll get our bodies back.
Text: 2017, winter.
The movie's filming began in Italy in early June, and wrapped up in Japan in the second half of August. The film will open in Japan in winter 2017. Fumihiko Sori (live-action Ping Pong) is directing the film, and it stars Ryōsuke Yamada (Hey! Say! JUMP member and live-action Assassination Classroom's Nagisa) as Edward Elric.
The film tells the story in one complete film. Edward is being aged up to 20 years old; he was originally 15 in the manga.
via ANN