Navi tells the Gokaigers to serach for the closed forests, Gai believes that Navi is talking about the Gingamen and they head to the Ginga Forest.
Although, the Gingamen fought a group of space pirates and because of that, they can't get along with the Gokaiger's who are also space pirates.
Hyuuga appears in front of them and tells Gai to give him the Gokai Cellular. Hyuuga states that he'll do a better job than Gai.
Gai who has always adored Hyuuga is so shocked to hear such words.
Basco arrives and is targeting the Gingamen's greater power.
Episode 21, the Heart of an Adventurer:
Ryuuwon appears.
The former BoukenRed and Chief called Satoru Akashi shows up!!
Out of nowhere, Satoru is seen standing on the GokaiGalleon.
He's trying to retrieve the precious "The Heart of Hades", but for that he needs help from the Gokaigers. But Zangyack and the Jaryuu clan are also after the Heart of Hades.
And the Heart of Hades seems to be cause of Ryuuwon's revival.
Episode 22, the Promise from the Stars:
The Action Commander Stargull appears.
Episode 23, Human Lives are the Future of Earth:
The Fireroid Meran appears.
Luka and Ahim episode with Go Pink.
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